Writing Tips

Indie Publishing at a Glance: How to Professionally Self-Publish a Novel in 7 Months

Last week I posted on my Instagram story asking you guys what topic you would like me to cover on indie publishing. There were so many good suggestions, it was impossible to choose which one to talk about first…so I decided to go over the whole process of indie publishing instead.

In today’s video I’m taking you through my entire indie publishing process and what it looks like, start to finish. Where do I get my hardcovers printed? How do I distribute books worldwide? How did I get so many ARC readers? How do you get books in libraries and brick-and-mortar bookstores? How do you not go crazy from all the work of indie publishing? I’m answering all these questions (except the last one because idk) in today’s episode of WritersLife Wednesday.

Indie publishing seems like a long and grueling process, but if you know what you have to do and when you have to do it, you can realistically self-publish your book professionally in 7 months. It’s never been a better time to be an indie author.

Watch the video below and learn…

  • the first steps of the indie publishing process
  • what software I use to format my ebooks and print books
  • what retailers to upload to
  • how to get hardcovers of your book available everywhere
  • how to get ARC readers
  • how to run a book blog tour
  • when to start paid promotion/ads
  • release day and post-launch promotion

Let’s talk.

Let’s talk all things indie publishing! Are you indie, or are you just interested in learning more about the process? If so, I hope I didn’t scare you with this video. I know it’s a lot of work, but SO WORTH IT. Comment below and tell me what indie-pub topic you want to see me cover next!

If you liked this episode of WritersLife Wednesday, please share it with a writer friend! Also be sure to subscribe to my channel to get new videos every Wednesday all about writing, publishing, and making your author dreams come true.

Rock on,

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