I know how it feels. You have all these ideas, all these things you want and need to do for your business, hobby, or just life in general — but it’s like you NEVER HAVE TIME TO DO THEM. You try your best to get stuff done, but it seems like your to-do list never gets any shorter… despite how many nights you spend working into the wee hours.
This used to be me all the time. I was in constant hustle mode, but not getting anywhere. I felt like I was running blindfolded on a treadmill (sounds like fun, right?) I had an ambitious to-do list every day, but no matter how many tasks I crushed, twice as many seemed to take its place.
What I was sorely missing, and what YOU are sorely missing if you can relate to this feeling is…
You can’t just say: “I have all this stuff to get done” and write it down (giving everything the same amount of real estate on your list) and thrash your way through your tasks like a blindfolded beast.
That’s not the best use of your time, and I think you and I both know it.
So how do we solve this problem, you ask? How do we work more effectively and get MORE stuff done in LESS time, plus have time leftover for the stuff we actually like to do??
Today I’m going to walk through this whole process and show you in real-time what it looks like to create a perfect work week — customized to YOUR unique life and business. Ready to shut off that treadmill, take off that blindfold, and BE A TOTAL BOSS? Let’s get started.
First and foremost, it’s vital to remember: “I need to do this” and “I want to do this” are two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. Obviously. We all kind of know this?? But it’s hard to prioritize one thing over the other when everything is important to you.
I get it. But right now, chances are, NOTHING on your to-do list is prioritized. In your head, you might know what’s the most important thing to get done first, but in my experience THAT’S TOO VAGUE. I need to get specific with my goals in order to crush them and be a boss. So my first step is to make a new list — not a do-to list, but a priority list. I recommend doing this digitally (or with sticky notes!) so that you can move items around.
The goal here: figure out what tasks are the most important to you. Make it easy on yourself and file everything under these 3 categories:
Urgent tasks are time-sensitive. You have a deadline or made a promise to someone that you need to fulfill. You’ll get in trouble (with your boss, your professor, the law, etc.) if you don’t do this.
Important tasks are not time-sensitive. They still NEED to get done, but not necessarily right now. They take second place on your priority list.
Minor tasks are important to you, but don’t need to get done. You absolutely SHOULD make time for these things in your life, but only after you make time for the first two groups.

Once you sort all your tasks like this, you should start feeling WAY BETTER about your to-do list. Everything will come into focus. When I first started prioritizing my to-do list, it really did feel like taking off a blindfold. I realized that I’m the one in control of my work, my work isn’t controlling me. And then I learned about a magical thing called: calendar blocking.
Some of you have probably heard about calendar blocking before, but I’ll sum it up real quick: calendar blocking is a time management method that allows you to schedule “blocks” of time into your calendar and see from an aerial view WHERE all your time goes.
It is, in a word, REVOLUTIONIZING.
You can do this with a variety of apps or on paper — my favorite way is Google Calendar. It syncs seamlessly to my phone and is also very aesthetic and color-coded (bonus!) For demo purposes, I’m going to schedule a perfect work week for someone. CAN I HAVE A VOLUNTEER FROM THE AUDIENCE? Yes! You, right there! What’s your name? Christine? Get up here, Christine. We’re going to change your life.
(just play along I’m not crazy I promise.)
Let’s say Christine is a blogger and writer trying to make an income and maybe grow an online business with her platform. But…she also works a full-time job. How can she manage her time so that she isn’t stuck at that nine-to-five for the rest of her life? It’s pretty simple, actually: CALENDAR BLOCKING.
Let’s give Christine a few tasks to make time for (prioritized, of course):
URGENT: Go to work every day (because she’ll get in trouble if she doesn’t)
IMPORTANT: Grow blog following (because she wants to eventually quit that day job)
MINOR: Write a book (because she really wants to be a published author one day)
And let’s give her a few other goals to work towards: getting more fit, reading more books, and cultivating a better evening routine. (Stuff we all want to do, right?! *nervous laughter*) ALRIGHT. Let’s calendar block this gal’s life, shall we?
Obviously, the urgent and important things need to be scheduled first. Christine’s work schedule goes in first. And let’s assume she needs at least one hour to get ready and commute. BOOM.

Now let’s factor in the Important tasks. Blogging requires a lot of energy and time. Christine is going to have to brainstorm blog content, write posts, make graphics, and publicize her content on social media. She has the weekends off, so she can make the most of that time and BE A BOSS. Like this:

Now obviously Christine is has other normal life things to do, like grocery shop and clean her apartment and walk her dog. It’s all those little things that we don’t think of — they pop up in our day and we get frustrated because they steal our time and attention. But really, we should have factored those things in beforehand. Let’s do it right now:

BOOM. Now that all our responsibilities are taken care of, let’s see where we can make time for the things we actually want to do.
When you calendar block your week like this, even if you have a busy life, you’ll be surprised by how much time is left over to do those things you “never have time to do.” Even with a full-time job and Other Adult Responsibilities™, Christine is going to make time for her passion: writing. Let’s say she’s an early riser and feels most creative in the morning. Well, would you look at that! SHE HAS TWO HOURS EVERY MORNING to write before she has to leave for work. She can also write on her lunch break.

See what just happened? We found 15 HOURS of writing time in Christine’s busy work week — time that we seemingly “didn’t have” a few minutes ago. We also found time on the weekends for a little creativity (and some more sleep.)
If your schedule is REALLY HECTIC and you truly can’t find much time to do everything you WANT to do, don’t worry! This might be a particularly busy week/season of your life and it won’t always be like this.
Here’s the truth: IF YOU DON’T MAKE TIME FOR THIS, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Self-care is sooo important, especially for creative bosses like you. I especially love having an evening routine: a time where you “punch out”, unplug from social media, and show yourself some kindness. This includes tending to your body with exercise! I gave Christine a block of time to go for a good long walk with her dog, but let’s also give her some time to stretch at night (because we all want to be more flexible, right?) Reading, relaxing, winding down — it only happens if you choose to make it happen:

There it is! A better evening routine, with time to relax, read more books, and gain flexibility. Obviously everyone’s down time will look different, but I urge you to make time to do something every day that nourishes your soul and inspires you. Remember: take care of yourself, and you can better take care of others!
In the end, you’re only human. Don’t try to be the superhero for everyone. We all need sleep, food, water, days off, and impulse road trips to SPICE UP OUR LIFE. You’re a boss and meant for great things, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you take the fun out of the challenge.
In other words: be honest with yourself about how much you can actually do.
It’s okay to not cross off everything on your to-do list. If you’re working a job and supporting yourself or going to school (or both) you need to think about those things not as distracting you from your dream, but as funding and fueling your dream. If you manage your time well, you WILL be a boss because you’re moving forward, chasing your dreams, and getting after it every single day.

Obviously, you need to start using Google Calendar. Get into calendar blocking! Please! It will save your life and sanity.
If you want more of my insight on time management, check out my productivity series on YouTube: HOW TO HAVE A REALLY PRODUCTIVE DAY, HOW TO HAVE A REALLY PRODUCTIVE WEEK, HOW TO HAVE A REALLY PRODUCTIVE MONTH, and HOW TO HAVE A REALLY PRODUCTIVE YEAR.
Also, if you haven’t devoured this post on planning your 2019 goals and accomplishing your dreams this year, NOW’S THE TIME TO GET IN ON IT, BRO. What are you waiting for?! Get control of your schedule — don’t let it take control of you.

What would YOUR perfect work week look like? What do you feel like you NEVER have time to do? (And do you think you might be able to find time for it now?) Have you ever tried calendar blocking?