Personal Growth

How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)

How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)

Invincible: a word I’ve been recently obsessed with. What does it mean? “incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.” That being said, wouldn’t it be amazing to have an invincible mindset? To be able to take on every challenge life throws at you and only become stronger because of it?

It might sound like wishful thinking to some, but I believe we are strong. I believe you, reading these words, are STRONG. I believe you have what it takes to be invincible. It is a psychological truth that we become what we think about — and what we continuously believe ourselves to be. So if you’re constantly thinking you are fragile and capable of being crushed by circumstances, that’s what you’ll be. But if you choose to believe something different — that you can pull yourself out of circumstance, rise above, and be INVINCIBLE?? My friend, that is what you’re going to be. 

I love this idea of the invincible mindset: that when you are in a place of absolute strength and security, you cannot be shaken. Which is why today’s post is diving deep. We’re going to figure out what exactly it takes to have an invincible mindset and take on every challenge life throws at us — and HERE’S THE COOL PART: you don’t have to do some big drastic things for this to become real in your life. It’s all about the little things you do. Let’s jump right in.


Like I said a minute ago, it’s all about the little things you do. Who you are (or who you think you are) is merely a combination of all your character traits. When we sit down to write our social media bios, this is usually what comes out: our personality type, profession, hobby, interests, religion, etc. These are all things we use to describe ourselves. But where did these things come from? Habits.

What we habitually do becomes part of who we are. If I shoot wedding photos for a living, I call myself a photographer. If I hate socializing, I call myself an introvert. If I like eating waffles more than anything else in the world, I call myself a professional waffle-eater. (just kidding on that one. but not really.)

So if our character traits come from our habits, where do our habits come from? Actions we repeat again and again because they are familiar. And where do those actions come from? Decisions. And where do those decisions come from? Thoughts.

BOOM. WE HAVE ARRIVED. Thoughts are the root of everything. We become what we habitually think about. Thoughts turn into decisions turn into actions turn into habits turn into who we are. 

How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)


It might sound kind of hopeless: like our thoughts are controlling our entire lives — and that’s true, they are. But who is in control of your thoughts? YOU ARE. Sometimes it might not feel like it. Your mind has a mind of its own (literally) and often you may feel more like you’re being pulled down the street by a very large (and vicious) dog that you are supposed to be controlling. 

So yes. You do have control. But it starts with breaking habits. Your mind has habits just like your body does — you’ll find yourself falling into the same thinking patterns again and again. Sometimes you’ll even be like “I don’t want to think about this!!” but you’re thinking about it anyway. Why? Because your mind is familiar with thinking these thoughts, and familiarity is what our biology runs to. 

Even at the atomic level, we don’t like change.* We get comfortable with what we’ve been doing for a long time and decide to stick with it — because things are just fine, aren’t they? NO, ACTUALLY. THEY’RE NOT. If you have any negative self-talk going on in your head (spoiler: you do, because everyone does) things aren’t “just fine.” You don’t want the average mindset that yields an average, dissatisfying, and unfulfilling life — you want an INVINCIBLE MINDSET to make your dreams come true and take on any challenge life throws at you!

*you know you’re on my blog when you read the words atomic level”

So what is the recipe for invincibility?

“Cut to the chase already, Abbie,” I hear you muttering. Okay. Here’s how I define it:

  • Kindness
  • Confidence
  • Bravery
  • Grace

That being said, what can you do to create this mindset of kindness, confidence, bravery, and grace? You can change the way you think… by changing the words in your head. 

How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)

Most of us think about ourselves in a negative light. Instead of these good words, we often describe ourselves in the reverse: “I’m so rude. I’m so insecure. I’m so fearful. I’m so stupid.” This is common dialogue for the average person’s brain. ISN’T THAT HORRIBLE? Let’s change it, right now. Every morning when you get up and look in the mirror — and every time you hear a negative “I AM” pop into your head — say these 4 affirmations instead:


Love is the root of who you truly are. We were created by Love, created out of love, and created to love. But even if that doesn’t resonate with you, think of it like this: if you can’t show love to yourself, you can’t truly show love to others. If you can’t be kind to yourself, you can’t be kind to others. 

Love inspires, uplifts, creates, expands, explodes. Think about someone you love; now think about how you feel when you’re with them. You cherish them, respect them, find joy in just being with them. What if you felt the same way about yourself? That’s all it means, to love yourself — that you show kindness, in your words and your actions. You would never call that person you love stupid or insecure or rude. You probably can’t even imagine saying something so terrible to the person you love! SO DON’T SAY IT TO YOURSELF. Instead say “I love you.” 


Being proud of yourself does NOT mean being prideful or arrogant. In fact, arrogance and ego are often a symptom of being insecure, not the reverse. When we feel threatened and exposed, we lash out with pride. But when we feel proud of ourselves? We feel secure, safe, and confident. 

Confidence isn’t something you can magically and instantly acquire. It happens over time. Confidence begins in the darkness, late at night, when you’re all alone with your thoughts and you choose to be confident. You choose to be YOU, regardless of what other people think. You choose not to care what other people think — good or bad. There are really only a few people in your life (or maybe even one) whom you should respect enough to care what they think, but other than that? JUST DO YOUR THING and don’t give anyone permission to make you feel inferior.

As one of my favorite quotes goes: “Your playing small does not serve the world.” It’s true. Don’t cover up your light so that others won’t feel insecure around you — don’t stay down in that place of nervous laughter and anxiety because that’s what everyone does. YOU are not like everyone! You are unique, and destined for greatness. Be proud of yourself.

How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)


Again, this is NOT about self-conceit. It’s not about flying solo and thinking you can do everything on your own. You can’t do everything on your own. But you can be the artist of your destiny. You were created to create — to take beautiful ideas and manifest them into reality. It might sound crazy, but you can actually make your dreams come true.

Nothing is impossible, especially if you have the grit to see it through. Nobody can stop you except YOU — and you’re not going to do that, because you know who you are. It’s time to start believing you can actually do it. Don’t laugh at your dreams and pass them off as “wishful thinking.” Instead, look at them like a memory — like something Future You has already done. 

Bravery isn’t magic — it’s something you have to develop over time. But it all starts with thoughts and words. Throw those words “I’m so fearful” into the trash where they belong. Instead, tell yourself (even if it’s not true yet) “I am brave. I believe in myself.”


This is arguably the hardest one to say to yourself. I’m serious, it can cause you physical pain. Why? Because we hold so many things against ourselves. And it needs to end.

We all do stupid things we later regret. We speak when we should have stayed silent; we stay silent when we should have spoken. We pour time and effort into something that fails; we’re too scared of failure to try at all and miss our opportunity. You’ve made lots of mistakes and you’re likely going to make a lot more in the future. But you have to forgive yourself. If you’re keeping tally of all the times you messed up, and constantly punishing yourself with guilt and regret — you’re never going to be invincible!

LET IT GO, dude. Let it all go. Because this is just like love and kindness. If you don’t forgive yourself, you can’t forgive others. But if you do forgive yourself? If you learn from your mistakes and then move on, letting that mistake fade away into the past? Your whole world will turn to color.


Say these things to yourself, preferably every morning when you get up. Write them on a sticky note and then stick the sticky note to your mirror. Look yourself in the eye as you say them:

I love you.

I’m proud of you.

I believe in you.

I forgive you.

Even if you feel like a hypocrite saying them — even if they aren’t true yet! SAY THEM ANYWAY. Say them because your thoughts become your decisions and your decisions become your habits and your habits become who you are. If you want to be kind, confident, brave, and forgiving, you have to start with you. Begin in your mind. Become invincible. Then go change the world.


WOO! I don’t know about you, but I AM PUMPED UP! Do you want to have an invincible mindset? Do you wish you said nicer, kinder things to yourself? WELL GOOD NEWS: YOU CAN START RIGHT NOW! Comment below and tell me one thing you love about yourself. It’s not bragging, it’s appreciating. It’s cherishing and respecting. AND IT FEELS REALLY GOOD. 



How To Create An Invincible Mindset (And Take On Every Challenge Life Throws at You!)

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